Building on single and multi-syllable words, the exercise for phrases and sentences provides a chance to use techniques for different classes of sounds in a phrase or sentence.
The system allows the selection of a sentences that inlcude the same four classes as phonemes (Class 1 - Vowels, Class 2 - Voiced Continuants, Class 3 - Fricative Continuants and Class 4 - Plosive Continuants).
The Sentences exercise provides the chance to use techniques like stretch syllables, gentle onsets and full articulative motion for a range of sounds.
The selection spinner allows the choice of 3 settings, Class of phonemes, number of sounds, and the number repetitions of each sounds. Since the sentences can vary in length, no selection for time is provided.
The Start button will select a number of random sentences, and be ready to begin the exercise.
The selection spinner for class of sounds, number of sounds, and the number of repititions.
The start of the exercise loop with the first sentence ready to be spoken.
The 'Begin Timer' button starts the exercise, and the sentence can be repeated the selected number of times.
A count up timer shows the amount of time used for the sentence.
The 'End Timer' button will stop the timer.
The 'Stop Exercise' button stop the exercise no matter how many words and repititions are left.